If you choose you can use one of the buttons below and set it up so that when someone clicks on the button it takes them to the angst site.

First choose a button that matches the layout of your page






Heres how to insert a link into your page for those who need a quick no brainer tutorial.

You must save the button you choose. To do this, click your right mouse over the image. Save the image to the same folder that you have your html file that you are making. Take note of the filename and its spelling as you are saving it

To make a link that looks like this...


Go check out the Angst squirt boat page.


Copy and paste the following into your html file

 <P>Go check out the <A HREF="http://come.to/squirt"><IMG SRC="animbutton3.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=98 HEIGHT=60></A> Angst squirt boat page.</P>


HREF is where you are linking ie my address,( http:// must be included)

IMG SRC is the name of the button you choose. Change this name to the name of the button you chose and leave the quotes intact.

What is in between the > < is the text that will appear on your page. If you don't want text in front of the button just leave it out.

Here is another example:


text of your choice here, if any.


Looks like this

<P><A HREF="http://come.to/squirt"><IMG SRC="logo3tranbutton.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=99 HEIGHT=66></A> text of your choice here, if any.</P>



When you upload your html file to your server you must also upload the button .gif image file.


If you are linking to my page please let me know. This will help me keep you informed if my address changes so that your link stays current. I am also interested to knowing who is linkin in.


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