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Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 1:32 pm |
Joined: Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:33 pm Posts: 16 Location: Fascination Alley
Hello y'all.
I want to do some crowd sourcing for idea on where to hold Mystery Worlds 2024
I will be providing a google sheet for those interested to fill out to put in their suggestion for a sink spot for worlds.
I hope y'all are having a good fall. Fascination Alley has been superb.
- Bily 2023 Mystery World Champ
p.s. Check back soon
Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 8:15 pm |
Joined: Fri Jun 08, 2018 11:33 pm Posts: 16 Location: Fascination Alley
Alright y'all.
This may be the first iteration of this ... if it doesn't go well we will try something else.
What I need from you is to enter in the information into the google sheet that is linked.
Some guidelines: Column A - Enter your name Column B - Where do you live? Column C - What is the spot's name? Column D - What town is the spot near? Column E - What is the Latitude / Longitude of the spot? I right click in Google Maps to get this Column F - How do I get in contact with you? Column G - Does the spot have a campsite nearby?
The link: [url][/url]
This isn't a popularity contest (yet). So multiple entries will just be annoying to deal with. If you already see your spot in the list you're all good. There may be a poll set up later, maybe not.
If you want to tell stories or give insights to sinkspots feel free to write them here! But be careful posting personal info on this message board... It kind of looks like it is getting trolled by bots.
Also, To post I had to check most of the buttons below where you type the message.. Kind of ghetto, but I am not on facebook so hay ho.
Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 4:02 pm |
Joined: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:41 pm Posts: 36
Glad to see the Angst Board is back in action.
In the interest of keeping the ball rolling, I added Cowbell, but someone more reliable should take over on that one; it seems to improve every time I'm there, and the locals report that it goes at an ever broader ranges of flows, but I'm only there once a year or so.
An Alley worlds that actually went would be awesome, but it would be the same dice roll on natural flows at a level-dependent spot as it was in 2017 when it rained so much that everyone got skunked. Then again, a dam controlled spots with "guaranteed" releases can skunk you too like GA Power did dropping the flows for Love Triangle this year, and folks managed to reroute to great success at Halls, which was always worlds-worthy but also always had the flow concerns.
Are we about due for a PNW (or west coast) worlds?
The first half of these predated me, but as best I can recall and in case it's useful to think about for future planning, here's where DT Worlds comps have been to date: 2023 in WV at the Halls (rerouted from Love Triangle in GA); 2022 in WY at Emerald Acres; 2021 in ME at SeBOOMook (rerouted from Tannic Compression); 2020 wasn't anywhere thanks to COVID-19; 2019 was in TN at the Leslie; 2018 was in OR at Gemini; 2017 wasn't anywhere thanks to the Alley getting washed out ~36 hours before competition; 2016 was in OR at the Weasel; 2015 was in TN at Cowell; 2014 was in CA at Swallow Cliffs; 2013 was in TN at the Leslie; 2012 was on the Ottawa at Smoothie (I think this may have been a re-route from somewhere in CO); 2011 was in OR at the Weasel; 2010 was in Japan at Borobus...and then I think there were a few early years (maybe 2008 and 2009) where Worlds was always on the Ottawa at Smoothie. But someone more reliable like Tfat or JDM who have been to most/all of them will need to correct me on that.
Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:57 am |
Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:24 am Posts: 4
Champ - I asked the amiable Tfat to relay a request to you before realizing I could post to Angst as easily as he could. How are you weighting the different critical criteria in your decision? Which qualities are most important: downtime, predictable levels, access to camping, probably turnout, or hosting history? As a newb, I respect the wisdom of the experienced, so I'm curious as to what factors are considered most important. I enjoyed this year's gathering and would like to make another one. Would an added preference column to tally potential turnout help sway you?
Nonetheless, good luck in selecting the arena where you will defend your title.